For caregivers who are tired of the same
old behavioral approaches

Here's how parent coaching can support you...



✔️ Clarity about the PDA profile of autism and how to work with your child's unique brain wiring instead of against it.


✔️ Mindset shifts away from managing behavior and towards providing nervous system safety to impact behavior.


✔️ Troubleshooting sticky situations to help you best support your child and family.


✔️ Navigating the assessment process and finding neuroaffirming therapies (if that's your goal!) 


✔️ A thought partner in deciding how to talk to friends, family, and siblings about your child's needs.


✔️ Help in navigating school decisions, including how to advocate for your child inside traditional school systems.


✔️ Support in developing a positive autistic identity in your child.


✔️ A safe and non-judgmental space to express your own fears, grief, and struggles.


✔️ Someone to co-regulate with you because you're most likely doing it for others 24/7!

I know there are so many barriers to you finding support

  • Your child might not feel safe with many people besides you or your partner, which can make appointments seem impossible.

  • Your days might feel totally unpredictable. Things are going fine! But then, five minutes before your appointment, the wheels fall off, and your kid needs your undivided attention.

  • Your kid struggles with split attention and is completely dysregulated by you being on a Zoom call behind closed doors.

  • You desperately want someone to talk through tough situations with, but with traditional coaching or therapy, you might have to wait days to process.

  • You’re trying to balance all.the.things. Careers, keeping house, your child’s education (whether it’s engaging them in home-ed or navigating seemingly endless IEP meetings), and finding an hour a week for yourself just doesn’t feel possible.


VoiceBridge Parent Coaching with Voxer


  • A flexible monthly coaching package delivered through the Voxer app.

  • The ability to message me anytime, anywhere, whether through voice notes or texts.

  • I check and answer messages in the morning and afternoon, Monday through Friday.

  • The ability to pass along PDFs, articles, videos, or other resources to guide you on your journey.

  • Month-to-month with no commitment.


How is VoiceBridge better than traditional coaching?

  • We can talk whenever and wherever to really maximize your limited free time.

  • We can process situations in the moment (or within 24 hours) vs. catching up once the moment has passed or emotions have dissipated.

  • Little ears around? No worries… drop me a text instead of a voice note.

  • No more pressure to make sure we fit everything into an hour.

  • No more pressure to be available at a set time and day.

  • We can chat live back and forth or leave messages for each.

  • Add your partner to the thread! No need to fill them in later; they’ll have all the messages to read or listen to at their convenience.

  • Someone to co-regulate with you. A supportive thought partner you can message just to say, “This sucks and it’s hard.” (And since I’ve been there, you’ll never get toxic positivity or trite advice back.)

Let's Do It!


I'm Lindsay

I'm a licensed therapist, parent coach, late-diagnosed ADHD woman, fancy coffee and bookstore lover, and cruise director of a (mostly) neurodivergent family.

I've made it my mission to help families of kids with vulnerable nervous systems get to a place of peace and understanding way faster than mine did.

I have a passion for helping parents support their kids who are explosive, inflexible, and demand-avoidant. I believe deep in my heart that there are no bad kids.

Don't need a full month of coaching?


Are you just looking for consultation? Maybe you only need to discuss a pressing issue or two?

No problem! Limited traditional Zoom coaching sessions are still available.

Schedule Here ($175 per session)